Scheduling a Ride
Once you have been notified that you are eligible to use Tri Delta Transit’s paratransit transportation, call 1-925-754-3060 to schedule a ride. Ride requests may be made one to three days in advance. If you are requesting an ADA paratransit trip that goes outside Eastern Contra Costa County, we recommend that you call at least seven days in advance so we can coordinate your trip with the other providers.

When requesting a ride, please give the reservationist the following information:
- Your name and pick-up address
- The date and time of the appointment or your preferred pick-up time*
- The destination address and phone number
- The preferred return time*
- The return address
- If a personal care attendant or companion(s) will travel with you
- If you will be using a cane, walker, service animal or mobility device
After making the ride request, you will receive an automated call with your confirmed pick-up time the day before your scheduled ride.
Important Scheduling Information
* Please remember this is shared ride transportation. To accommodate as many ride requests as possible, an ADA paratransit confirmed pick up time may be up to one hour before or after the requested pick-up time. Senior paratransit transportation rides are subject to ride availability and requested rides are not guaranteed.
If you schedule a trip where the arrival time is important (e.g., doctor’s appointment), please give the reservationist your appointment time. This will help ensure you are picked up early enough to make it to your appointment on time.
If you schedule a trip where the arrival time is not important (e.g, grocery store), please give the reservationist the time you prefer to be picked up from your starting location.
ADA Paratransit Regional Rides
Being a current registered ADA paratransit rider allows you to travel with One Seat Regional through County Connection. That means paratransit travel within Contra Costa County and the Tri-Valley has gotten easier.
Together, East Bay transit agencies County Connection, LAVTA (Wheels), Tri Delta Transit, and WestCAT are making travel easier for paratransit users through a cooperative agreement for One Seat.
With One Seat, point-to-point shared ride paratransit service is direct so riders can travel further, faster, and without having to transfer buses at service area borders.
Visit their website: for more information or call a reservationist at 1-925-680-2134.
ADA Paratransit Standing Ride Service
Standing ride service is a convenience offered to our ADA paratransit passengers that take the same trip on a regular basis. Typical standing rides include those for school, jobs, dialysis, chemotherapy, and other medical treatments. Tri Delta Transit offers standing ride service on a space available basis. If space is not available for standing ride service, you may ask to be placed on a waiting list by calling 1-925-754-3060.