Resolution of Farebox Problems
Policy: Resolution of Fare Box Issues/Problems
Customers who experience a problem with the fare box on a Tri Delta Transit bus must contact Tri Delta Transit’s Administrative Office immediately or no later than 30 days of the occurrence to report the problem. Problems include:
- Credit ticket not issued
- Ticket stuck in fare box
- Ticket not issued
- Money lost in fare box
- Over-payment due to fare box malfunction
- Damaged ticket no longer readable by fare box
When reporting an incident with the fare box, the customer must provide:
- Date and time of occurrence
- Bus route and direction
- Location of incident
- Bus number if possible
- What problem occurred
Tri Delta Transit staff will use all tools and procedures available to investigate and verify all claims. Damaged tickets will be retained by Tri Delta Transit.
Filing a fare box claim does not guarantee that a credit ticket or pass replacement will be issued.
Once a problem has been verified, Tri Delta Transit will provide the appropriate pass replacement or credit ticket only. No cash will be issued.

Problems may be reported: