Passengers with Disabilities

All Tri Delta Transit buses are wheelchair lift equipped, however not all bus stops are safe for deployment of the lift. If you have a question about the accessibility of a particular stop, call (925) 754-4040. Tri Delta Transit also provides door-to-door service for senior citizens and persons with disabilities. Call (925) 754-3060 for more information regarding the Dial-a-Ride service.

Paratransit (Dial-A-Ride) Service

Our door-to-door transportation services for eligible disabled individuals and senior citizens traveling in Eastern Contra Costa County. For additional information: click here or to request an application, call (925) 754-3060.

At Tri Delta Transit, customer service is of the utmost importance. ADA paratransit information can be provided to you in a variety of accessible formats such as diskette/CD, audio tape, braille, or large print. If you need any of the ADA paratransit written information provided to you in one of these accessible formats, please contact us at 1-925-754-6622 and ask for the Accessible Services Department.

Information on this website can be provided to you in a variety of accessible formats in addition to the translation feature, such as diskette/CD, audio tape, braille, or large print. If you need any written information provided to you in one of these accessible formats, please contact us at 1-925-754-6622 and ask for the Customer Service Department.